

The Dependent Visa category enables family members of a permanent resident to apply for residency in the UK. The type of application typically applies to spouses, children and other close relatives who require help residing with their loved one. In order to obtain a Dependent Visa, you will need to apply through your nearest British Consulate or Embassy. Before applying, please make sure you have an initial consultation so that you can understand the options that apply to your circumstance. The person you’re dependent on must be either:

  • A British citizen
  • In the UK on a relevant visa, or
  • Applying for a visa at the same time making your application for a Dependant Visa
How We Help?

Like the above, our expert immigration advisors will help you fully understand the requirements and process for obtaining your visa.

Make sure you tell us about all of your circumstances as we will help you find out what the easiest and best way is for your partner to come to the UK in order to live with you.

When it comes to job opportunities, companies in general are in lookout for professionals with dependents because most of them prefer people who have family commitments. They believe it shows their long-term commitment to their careers. If you’re a professional already serving in your job in the UK, it’s time you may think about extending the opportunity to your dependents who can try the opportunities here.

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